Automate and accelerate industry-standard compliance frameworks

Boost trust and sales opportunities by automating compliance across 20+ compliance frameworks
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Achieve compliance in 3 simple steps

Define your compliance needs
Choose from over +20 frameworks
Collect evidence automatically
Easily & securely integrate apps to 1Fort
Cruise through the audits
Instantly obtain the reports auditors need
Continuous Control Monitoring
Things don’t end after the audit - 1Fort continuously monitors your systems to stay in compliance and reduce risk

1Fort comes with everything you need to get compliant fast

Explore the Platform
Security Training
1Fort’s built-in security training allows you to automate tasks like sending reminders and documenting completion.
Policy Center
Streamline documentation, employee acceptance, and version history with 20+ editable, auditor-approved policies.
Support and Live Chat
1Fort’s support team consists of compliance experts and former auditors. Our experts are a click away.
Continuous Control Monitoring
1Fort’s 24/7 continuous control monitoring ensures you stay compliant and gives you full visibility into your status at all times.
Risk Assessment
1Fort’s built-in self-assessments enable you to efficiently report on your security program’s effectiveness.
Vendor Management
Manage vendors with a centralized location for storing, sending, and reviewing security questionnaires.
Real-Time Security Reports
Respond to due diligence requirements with real-time, shareable reports to communicate your security posture.
Endpoint Monitoring
Accelerate compliance with a built-in solution for monitoring and collecting endpoint configuration evidence.
Control Library
Choose from 1Fort's controls or create custom controls to meet your specific needs and framework requirements.

Powerful integrations put continuous 
compliance on autopilot

1Fort integrates with 200+ apps to automatically and continuously capture evidence for 20+ frameworks
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20 + Supported Frameworks

1Fort helps companies take risk management to another level with powerful complementary risk services, including compliance automation, cybersecurity controls, and professional service offerings.
ISO 27001
Cyber Essentials
Microsoft SSPA
NIST SP 800-53

Questions? We have answers.

How does 1Fort automate compliance?

1Fort automates compliance by continuously monitoring and collecting evidence from integrated systems. We streamline audits by providing real-time insights, alerting for issues, and maintaining documentation to ensure adherence to standards like SOC 2 and ISO 27001.

We are not planning on getting compliant yet. Why should I use 1Fort?

Using 1Fort helps you maintain strong security practices, streamline compliance processes, and prepare for future certifications. It reduces manual effort, provides real-time insights, and ensures you're always ready for audits or regulatory changes, even if compliance isn't a current goal.

Is 1Fort an insurance carrier or MGA?

We are not an insurance carrier or MGA. 1Fort is an independent platform that provides insurance brokers with direct or market access to leading insurance carriers and MGAs.

If I use 1Fort, will my insurance carrier have access to all my data?

No. 1Fort does not share your data with insurance carriers or MGAs.

Do I still need an auditor if I use 1Fort?

Yes, even with 1Fort, you still need an auditor. 1Fort automates compliance monitoring and evidence collection, but a certified auditor is required to review and validate compliance. We introduce businesses to auditors in our network if they don't already have one.

Put Security & Compliance on Autopilot

Close more sales and build trust faster while eliminating manual work
Explore the Platform